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抬頭不聽,低頭聽~了解你與音樂的關係! Unlocking the Power of Music: Exploring Your Connection with Music!

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

文/ #Lisa

(English below)



















Unlocking the Power of Music: Exploring Your Connection with Music!

"Today, I went on a road trip with friends, and we played our playlist during the trip!"

"After being scolded by my supervisor, I feel frustrated. I plan to go singing alone tonight to release my emotions."

"The music in this café is so pleasant, it makes me feel relaxed and comfortable both mentally and physically."

👀 There is music everywhere in our daily life! But do you know how music influences you? In daily life, how can you consciously apply music to enhance your quality of life? Firstly, you can understand your relationship with music by answering the following questions:

🌼 Reflect on the music activities you have engaged in and select the options that apply:

🎵 Context of your music activities:

✅ Tasks requiring high cognitive demands, such as studying or working

✅ Repetitive tasks with low cognitive demands, like showering or commuting

✅ Activities involving high physical energy, such as sports or dancing

✅ Static activities like meditation or yoga

✅ Live music concerts

✅ Playing or singing with others, like karaoke or joining a band

✅ Solo playing or singing

✅ Writing lyrics or composing individually or as part of a team

✅ Listening to background music while shopping or in a restaurant

✅ Public settings

✅ Private settings

🎶 Manner of your music activities:

✅ Active participation: playing instruments, singing, creating, improvising

✅ Passive involvement: listening to music

🎼 Reasons or goals behind your music activities:

✅ Pure appreciation of music ✅ Passing time ✅ Achieving desired emotional and mental states ✅ Emotional release ✅ Creating memories ✅ Enhancing connections and interactions with others ✅ Finding a sense of belonging ✅ Reducing mental distractions ✅ Stimulating thinking and self-exploration ✅ Increasing motivation ✅ Other____

❓ After engaging in music activities, what internal or external changes do you notice?

Different music activities and genres can lead to varied experiences. For example, singing with family might bring back memories, listening to music that relaxes others might evoke feelings of grief at a funeral, or playing the piano when angry might provide a sense of relief. After understanding your relationship with music as described above, when engaging in music activities, you can try to practice "self-awareness." Self-awareness may sound daunting, but it simply means "understanding yourself and noticing the impact of music activities on your body and mind."

Taking the simple example of listening to music, when you're listening, consciously pay attention to your current state of mind and body. Reflect on questions such as:

  • What were you thinking before listening?

  • What situation or reason led you to choose that particular song?

  • How does the song make you feel or bring about changes in your body and mind?

  • Is it due to the rhythm, melody, instruments, vocalist's voice, or other musical elements? What are your feelings after listening?

  • Based on the different emotional and physiological transformations brought about by different songs, where would this song fit in your playlist(s)?

By understanding the influence of music on yourself, you can quickly choose the "right" music activity when faced with similar situations and needs!

💡 Next time you engage in a music activity, consciously pay attention to your present feelings and the emotional, physiological, and behavioral changes this music experience brings you. Understanding what different music activities can offer you can help you make choices in different situations and use music to enhance your quality of life!

♥️ If there are music activities in today's list that you haven't tried yet, give yourself a chance to explore new experiences. You may have unexpected rewards!

♥️ Thank you for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us.


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