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研究所面試小錦囊-音樂治療面試常見問題Unlocking the Keynotes: Common Interview Queries for MT Programs

Updated: Mar 21, 2024


音樂治療面試 music therapy interview

(scroll down to read in English 👇)




  • 與音樂治療相關的活動經驗

  • 能勝任音樂治療的個人特質

  • 報考音樂治療的主要原因


  • 家庭背景、成員介紹

  • 與音樂治療無關的經歷

  • 與音樂治療無關的個人興趣


優點: 選擇與音樂治療特質相符程度高的優點 舉出實例佐證 至少準備二至三個優點

缺點: 選擇相對較小且可以改善的缺點切入 著重說明自己做了哪些努力來改善 至少準備二至三個缺點




  • 選擇與音樂治療相關的專業/實務經驗

  • 簡明扼要提及內容與收穫


  • 直接破題說明事情發生的經過

  • 著重在如何面對挫折與失敗的過程

  • 說明後續做了哪些努力及帶來哪些改變



  • 無音樂或治療科系背景者 強調過去相關的活動、實習經驗 說明自己的興趣及熱情所在

  • 有音樂或治療科系背景者




  • 貴校有哪些特色、優勢而吸引到自己



  • 分享自己的學習計畫/研究計畫

  • 以短、中、長期三個階段來說明規劃與目標

  • 說明會做哪些努力來達成預期目標



  • 避免詢問網站上已經公開的科系資訊

  • 多詢問與音樂治療科系相關深度問題

  • 地雷:我目前沒有問題!


  • 系所對學生的目標及期待是什麼?

  • 有什麼這個科系的特質及能力,是在我身上沒看到的嗎?

  • 如果有機會進入貴系所就讀,教授會希望我可以先多做哪些的準備呢?




Self- Introduction

When introducing myself, I should mention:

  • Activity experiences related to music therapy.

  • Personal qualities suitable for music therapy.

  • Main reasons for applying to study music therapy.

I should avoid mentioning:

  • Family background or member introductions.

  • Experiences unrelated to music therapy.

  • Personal interests unrelated to music therapy.

When the Professor Asks "What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?"

  • Strengths: Choose strengths that align well with the qualities needed for music therapy, provide examples as evidence, and prepare at least two to three strengths.

  • Weaknesses: Select relatively minor weaknesses that can be improved upon, emphasize the efforts made to address them, and prepare at least two to three weaknesses.

Past Experiences:
  1. Your Professional Field of Study/Work in the Past?

  2. What is the Most Gratifying Achievement? Choosing professional/practical experiences related to music therapy Briefly mention the content and gains.

  3. What Was Your Most Challenging Experience? Directly introduce the occurrence of the incident. Emphasize how to face setbacks and failures. Explain the efforts made afterward and the changes brought about.

Motivation for Applying:

Why do you want to study music therapy? For those without backgrounds in music or therapy:

  • Emphasize past relevant activities and internship experiences.

  • Explain your interests and where your passion lies.

For those with backgrounds in music or therapy:

  • Emphasize past relevant activities and internship experiences.

  • Explain your interests and where your passion lies.

Why do you want to come to our school? What characteristics and advantages of the school attract you?

Future Plans:

What are your plans for the future? What are your goals after entering the field of music therapy?

  • Share your learning/research plans.

  • Explain your plans and goals in three stages: short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

  • Describe the efforts you will make to achieve your expected goals.

Interview Question:

When the professor asks, "Do you have any questions?"

  • Avoid asking questions about departmental information already available on the website.

  • Ask more in-depth questions related to the music therapy department.

  • ❌Pitfall: "I don't have any questions at the moment!" ❌

[Some Sample Answer Directions]

  • What are the department's goals and expectations for students?

  • Are there any characteristics or abilities of this department that I haven't noticed in myself?

  • If given the opportunity to study in your department, what preparations would the professor hope to see me make beforehand?

Wishing everyone a smooth interview process 🧨

And successful application to their dream school and program 🫶🏻



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